Monday, September 22
Student Workshop "How to develop a successful CubeSat mission?"
10:15 | Bus from Tartu, Vanemuise parking place (Ülikooli Str) to Tõravere |
11:00 - 11:30 | Introduction |
11:30 - 13:00 | Workshop session 1: Nanosatellite system engineering |
13.00 - 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 - 16.30 | Workshop session 2: Nanosatellite missions |
16:30 - 17:00 | Break |
17:00 - 18:00 | Workshop session 3: Lessons learned from ESTCube-1 mission |
17:00 | Andris Slavinskis, Tartu Observatory, ESTCube-1 attitude determination and camera system flight results (pdf) |
17:30 | Hendrik Ehrpais, Tartu Observatory, ESTCube-1 attitude control (pdf) |
18:00 - 21:00 | Evening programme: dinner, excursions, watching stars in Tõravere |
21:00 | Transport back to Tartu |
Tuesday, Sept 23
Tartu Conference on Space Science and Technology
8:30 | Bus from Tartu, Vanemuise parking place (Ülikooli Str) to Tõravere |
9:00 - 10:00 | Registration, welcome coffee |
10:00 – 11:45 | Opening session. Moderator Anu Reinart, Tartu Observatory |
10:00 | Opening |
10:15 | Pekka Janhunen, Finnish Meteorological Institute/Univ. of Tartu Space exploration with electric solar wind sail (pdf) |
10:45 | Mart Noorma, Tartu Observatory/Univ. of Tartu |
11:15 | Laurynas Maciulis, Vilnius University LituanicaSAT-1: lessons learned from the first Lithuanian cubesat mission (pdf) Authors: L. Maciulis, V. Buzas, L. Bukauskas, M. Dvareckas, Z. Batisa, Z. Atkociunas |
11:45 - 12:45 | Lunch |
12:45 - 14:45 | Session 1: Nanosatellite technology. Moderator Māris Ēlerts, Ventspils University College |
12:45 | Nickolay Ivchenko, KTH, Small Explorer for Advanced Missions (pdf) |
13:05 | Vidmantas Tomkus, Space Science and Technology Institute Analysis of the Impact of Deployable Structures on LitSat-1 Passive Attitude Control (pdf) Authors: V.Tomkus, D. Brucas, D. Gailius , P. Kuzas, A. Karpavicius, A. Vilkauskas |
13:25 | Hannu Leppinen, Aalto University Combining rapid development and ECSS standards: on-board computer development for the ICEYE mission (pdf) Authors: H. Leppinen, H. Forstén, H. Sanmark, T. Tikka, A. Kestilä, J. Praks |
13:45 | Riccardo Mantellato, CISAS "Giuseppe Colombo", University of Padova CubeSat mission concept for tethered electromagnetic docking demonstration (pdf) Authors: L. Olivieri, R. Mantellato, F. Branz, F. Sansone, A. Cavinato, M. Gaino, D. Petrillo, A. Francesconi, E. C. Lorenzini |
14.05 | Pietro Motta, Universitą di Catania Benefits of nanosatellite network for smart metering technological infrastructure in wide areas (pdf) Authors: P. Motta, A. Castiglione, E. Catania, E. Guardo, A. La Corte, S. Pagano |
14:25 | Paul Liias, pl Space CEO New CubeSat Structure and Mechanics Product Family (pdf) Authors: P. Liias, E. Kulu |
14:45 - 15:15 | Coffee break |
15:15 - 17:35 | Session 2: Space technology. Moderator Riho Vendt, Tartu Observatory |
15:15 | Marcis Bleiders. Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center of Ventspils University College Satellite ground station potential of VIRAC RT-32 and RT-16 antennas (pdf) Authors: M. Bleiders, J. Trokss |
15:35 | Dmitrijs Bezrukovs, Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center of Ventspils University College Microwave Spectral Polarimetric Observations of the Sun in Ventspils: Progress Report (pdf) Authors: D. Bezrukovs, B. Ryabovs |
15:55 | Aleksejs Skorodumovs, Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center of Ventspils University College NI5640R Based Receiver for RT-16 (pdf) |
16:15 | Sabine Upnere, Ventspils University College Pointing of large antennas, route planning and control algorithms (pdf) Authors: N. Jekabsons, U. Locans, K. Skirmante, S. Upnere |
16:35 | Gatis Gaigals, Ventspils University College Compressive sampling technique for limited link budget communication channel implementation (pdf) |
16:55 | Roberts Trops, Ventspils University College Concept of the reconfigurable communication subsystem for custom modulation technique experiments with CubeSats (pdf) Authors: G. Gaigals, E. Briede, J. Sate, R. Trops |
17:15 | Janis Dalbins, Ventspils University College Authors: J. Dalbins, G. Gaigals |
17:45 | Bus from Tõravere to Tartu |
19:00 - 21:00 | Dinner in Cafe Werner, Ülikooli 11, Tartu |
Wednesday, Sept 24
Tartu Conference on Space Science and Technology. ESA Workshop
8:30 | Bus from Tartu, Vanemuise parking place (Ülikooli Str) to Tõravere |
9:00 – 11:00 |
Session 3: Future of Nanosatellite Technology. Moderator Mart Noorma, Tartu Observatory |
9:00 | Tor-Arne Grönland, Nanospace, Roadmapping of future nanosatellite missions |
9:30 | Volker Schumacher, OHB, Nanosatellite Applications and Link to Space Policy (pdf) |
10:00 | Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, Aalborg University, Best practices of Studentspace at Aalborg (pdf) |
10:30 | Jaan Praks, Aalto University, Nanosatellites and space education in Finland (pdf) |
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee break |
11:30 – 13:30 |
Workshop: ESA Science & Technology Programmes, User-Experience (Finland) |
11:30 | Marcos Bavdaz, the Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration, ESTEC/ESA The ESA Science Programme and Associated technology preparation (pdf) |
12:00 |
Eike Kircher, the Directorate of Technical and Quality Management, ESTEC/ESA The Basic Technology Research Programme (pdf) |
12:30 |
Heiki Sipilä, Finnish space pioneer, involved in many ESA technology projects, sales to NASA etc. |
13:00 | Panel discussion. Panelists: Marcos Bavdaz, Eike Kircher, Heiki Sipilä, Mart Noorma |
13:30 – 13:45 |
Conclusions, closing ceremony |
13:45 - 14:30 | Lunch (after lunch at 14:30 bus from Tõravere to Tartu) |
14:30 – 16:30 |
Technical workshop: technology and applications in ESA optional programmes (by invitations only) |