Honouring the latest achievements regarding technology of nanosatellites, Tartu Observatory invites to celebrate its 50th anniversary with the Tartu Conference on Space Science and Technology held on September 23 - 24, 2014 in Tõravere, Estonia.
Tartu Conference on Space Science and Technology is organized in conjunction with already twice held International Scientific Conference “Baltic Applied Astroinformatics and Space data Processing” (BAASP) at Ventspils University College, Latvia. Continuing tradition of BAASP, Tartu Conference on Space Science and Technology intend to bring together experienced scientists and enthusiastic students.
You can find conference programme here.
Keynote speakers
- Mart Noorma, Tartu Observatory (Estonia) - “ESTCube-1 mission results”
- Jaan Praks, Aalto University (Finland) - “Nanosatellites and space education in Finland”
- Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen, Aalborg University (Denmark) - “Best practices of Studentspace at Aalborg”
Key Topics
- Technology of Nanosatellites
- Innovative and Future Missions and Experiments for Nanosatellites
- Analysis Methods for Large Data Amounts
- Educational Programs in Space Technology
- Development of International Research Networks
Selected presenters will be recommended for publishing a research article in the Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences (indexed in Web of Science, Scopus etc.)
Students and instructors with or without previous experience in CubeSat projects are welcome to participate on Sept 22, 2014 in workshop “How to develop a successful CubeSat mission?”.
The workshop is led by Mart Noorma and Jaan Praks.
Local Organizing committee
- Dr. Mart Noorma
Tartu Observatory (Estonia) - Katrīna Kalniņa
Tartu Observatory (Estonia) - Tiia Lillemaa
Tartu Observatory (Estonia)
Scientific Organizing Committee
- Dr. Mart Noorma
Tartu Observatory (Estonia) - Dr. Anu Reinart
Tartu Observatory (Estonia) - Dr. Valdis Avotiņš
Ventspils University College (Latvia) - Dr. Normunds Jēkabsons
Ventspils University College (Latvia) - Dr. Juris Zagars
Ventspils University College (Latvia) - Dr. Riho Vendt
Tartu Observatory (Estonia) - Dr. Pekka Janhunen
Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland)
Conference and workshop is held in
Tartu Observatory.